
Je ne me souviens pas qui je suis.

I lived on the moon - Kwoon

#深夜推歌# I Lived On The Moon - Kwoon


Light from the Sun and I
hide myself on the dark side

I’ve run so far
to find my way
Then I dream again

Listen to the voices of your soul
it showed you the way
Of silence and peace

Follow your thoughts and fly
Choosing all the things that you desire


Your dreams will be your only shell


PS. Kwoon在11年发布的《The Guillotine Show》专辑中有这首歌的Acoustic版本,喜欢这首歌,但没听清歌词的,或者是喜欢旋律但更偏爱柔情民谣风的建议可以听一下,中间开始的提琴部分非常棒。


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